Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Final day of our trip

On the last day of our trip, myself and a few other people decided to try out the oxygen bar on Fremont street. It was a different experience. It's like putting on a show for the passerby. People look at you funny. You can get a massage with it & they have things at the bar you can use to rub your head also. I recomend everyone give it a try at least once. All in all it was a great trip, outside of the travel end. My total take for the trip was $39.00. Not bad for a 3 year old. When we got back to Des Moines, our plane was delayed because Air force one [now that's one big plane] was at the airport waiting on the president. This is a short report, because I did alot of things I do on every trip {because I like them} and don't like repeating myself. Have a wonderful day and remember to smile.

Nice trip report,When are you going back? Whats next for you?
Glad you joined our little group Ted. I always like going to Vegas. I hope our next trip is soon. It's always a suprise.
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