Saturday, March 10, 2007



to get ready to set all the clocks for the "new"
daylight savings time.
We have way to many clocks,
mom said I could help, so I started this morning instead of
early tomorrow.

I love my Goofy watch,
it runs backwards.
It's kind of hard to tell the time with it sometimes.

Don't forget to reset your clocks!

There you are.I missed you the last week.I hope everything is OK with you.
Hi Ted,
We have been busy here. Sorry I didn't get any posts done. Did you get your clocks reset?
Hi Claudette, I have missed you this past week, too. I think I got all of my clocks set except for my new cell phone.

I hope all is well with you and your Mom and Dad. How is your Dad feeling? Better I hope. There is a thread asking about him on LVI.

Have a great afternoon!
Hi Nymphie,
I missed you as well. We have been so busy around here. Dad isn't feeling his best yet. Mom said these things take time. New meds are a pain in the butt.
Today Mom takes my Aunt over for her surgery on her voice box.
Another busy day.
Talk to you tomorrow,
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